
Strategic Information Management:
Information is the most valuable asset that any organization possesses. Every activity, in every organization, both uses and creates information.
Managing this information effectively and efficiently is one of the keys to organizational success. Organizations need to be able to:
Store and easily present information to support decision-making
Align information structures across all departments, and in a way that makes sense for your operations
Find the information you need, when you need it, every time
This requires a strategic approach to handling your organization's information. But how many non-profits have the time and expertise to make these strategic decisions while running flat out to achieve their mission?
That’s where Barbara J. Fraser & Associates can help. We bring a business skill set together with our passion for the non-profit sector. We understand what information your departments need to do their jobs. We can lead you through the process of aligning your information structures, consolidating your data in the most appropriate tools and documenting key processes. We help with:
Software needs analysis/audit
If you bend a nail, you don’t blame the hammer, yet the database is often blamed for the data we get out of it. The key is to use the right tools, in the right way. We explore your current situation, your strategic and operational plans, and your existing and future data and reporting needs. Based on this, we evaluate how well your current tools are working for you, or help you to determine the criteria for selecting a new information management solution.
Solution selection and implementation
There is no single "right” information management tool. Using criteria unique to your organization, we guide you through the selection process from research to demonstrations to the final selection. Once you’ve chosen your solution, we work with you and the vendor to implement your new tool seamlessly, including developing an effective data framework, data cleanup and conversion.
Configuration of data capture framework
You can’t accurately or easily report on your activities and results – program, fundraising or financial – if the information is squirreled away in multiple places and tools. Aligning the information you collect, and how you store it, with your reporting needs is critical. We can look at the configuration of your current tools and provide guidance on how to align and reconfigure your data fields and reports to maximize the quality of information you can extract. If you’ve moving to a new tool, we can help you establish an effective data framework and move your existing data into the new configuration. We can also help you document the coding structure to facilitate knowledge transfer over time.
Process analysis and design
The best way to ensure that information is captured and presented consistently is to document your business processes. We work with you and your staff to jointly review information flow within your organization -- where does it go, when, and how. Then we look for ways to leverage tools, reduce duplication, streamline processes and recapture staff time for mission-oriented activities. We can then document your processes step by step, with explanations and examples and work with your staff to develop a shared understanding of how things will be done, and why.
Staff training
Staff training and support are extremely important when it comes to technology and process. We work with software vendors to identify the best training options for your organization, and how the training should be customized for your organization's unique data structures and processes. Sometimes we do our own training to help staff navigate the cultural and technological change in a more hands-on way. We have worked with Raiser’s Edge, eTapestry, Convio, GiftWorks, Income Manager, Little Green Light and Sage50, and look forward to experiencing as many tools as possible.
Your fundraising program rests on your information management solutions. With appropriate tools, structures and processes you can leverage your information to raise more money towards achievement of your mission.
Fund Development:
Need a helping hand with other aspects of your fundraising and operations? We have experience in:
Prospect research and proposal development
We can help you identify likely prospects and create targeted proposals for operational or project funding. Grant writing experience includes TD Financial Literacy Grant Fund, Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (Ministry of Health), Ontario Trillium Foundation, Ontario Women's Directorate, United Way, Status of Women and numerous private foundations and corporations.
Direct marketing project management
From concept development to data segmentation to print production we can help manage your direct marketing out the door and into the hands of your donors.
Policy development
As organizations grow, it’s important to document how you intend to function as an organization. We can help you develop policies around Human Resources, Finance, Board Governance and Fundraising so you can focus on your mission.
Need help with something you don't see here? Ask us and we'll connect you with others in our network who have the knowledge and expertise you need

Phone: 647-883-4167 Email: Barbara[at]